Journey of a lifetime
The Epic Journey builds on Earlham’s strengths in the liberal arts—while allowing students to make their own paths.

Here to thrive
How does Earlham put college within reach of underrepresented students and help them to make the most of it?

After war disrupted his journalism fellowship in Russia, Bennett Murray ’12 spent 90 days on the ground in a defiant Ukraine.

Here’s to Tom
President Anne Houtman and peers reflect on Tom Gottschalk’s service with the Board of Trustees.

The Epic Journey frames the Earlham experience as we celebrate the past and look to the future.

Wild, weird and wonderful at Earlham →
In 175 years a lot of curious things have happened at Earlham College. We’re looking back on them, together.

Gretchen Castle, Dean of the Earlham School of Religion, shares her thoughts on ESR and the impact graduates make on the world.

Let’s go, Quakers! There’s a sport coming back to campus, and it has its skipper, Stacey Goyette.
Class Notes & In Memoriam
What are your favorite fellow Earlhamites getting up to? This round of notes includes those submitted before May 1.
Homecoming & Inauguration

Last Word
What was your finest hour at Earlham College? Our graduates tell their stories of singing on skates, climbing into abandoned buildings, and starting a campus wide game of zombie-themed tag.