Class notes & obits

The deadlines to submit entries for the Earlhamite are:

  • December 8 for the spring issue
  • May 24 for the fall issue

Submissions may be edited for length or other editorial considerations.

Need to get in touch with your class chair? Find them on the class chair page. The chairs serve as goodwill ambassadors and are encouraged to help organize class reunions and other alumni gatherings in their communities.

Alumni Council message

Over the last couple of years, Alumni Council has undertaken the important, but laborious work of reviewing (and ultimately rewriting) our group’s constitution, committee structure and organizational goals. Every member of Council was involved in the process and we now have a more nimble organization for moving forward.

Our current areas of focus:

  • Facilitation of alumni-to-alumni engagement through on campus and remote events.
  • Alumni-to-campus engagement focused around support for recruitment activities, career development, and general support for the well-being of College employees.
  • An increased and dedicated effort to be, both as individual members and as an organization, deliberately supportive of ways we can be more inclusive.

Alumni Council is seeking new members who have passion for support of Earlham College, and want to lend their time and talent toward these efforts. If you want to get involved, please visit the Alumni Council web page at to learn more, and complete the nomination form. We look forward to seeing new Earlhamites get involved with the work of Alumni Council!

For more information about Alumni Council, visit Email us at [email protected].

Submit note or obit

Want to submit a class note? Write to us about your latest travels, alumni you have seen recently, a marriage, new addition to the family, a job change or perhaps some other great happenings in your life. Obituaries may also be submitted.